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line of conduct 行為的準則。

line of credit

You must resolve upon one simple and single line of conduct , and for a man of your intelligence , this plan is as easy as it is necessary ; you must form honorable friendships , and by that means counteract the prejudice which may attach to the obscurity of your former life . 您必須下決心采取一條單純的行動路線,而象您這么個聰明人,這個計劃很容易做得到,而且也十分必要。您必須結交一些好朋友,以此來抵銷那種您以前的微賤生活可能招致的偏見。 ”

In other people s presence i was , as formerly , deferential and quiet ; any other line of conduct being uncalled for : it was only in the evening conferences i thus thwarted and afflicted him 別人在場的時候,我照例顯得恭敬文雅,其他舉動都沒有必要。只有在晚上交談時,才那么沖撞他,折磨他。

This line of conduct seems advisable to me 這一行動方針對我來說似乎是最好的。

This line of conduct seems advisable to me 這一行動方針對我來說似乎是很可取的。